Moving Tips

  • Make yourself a moving checklist outlining everything that needs to be done before, and after, your move.
  • Avoid moving anything you don’t really need. It is expensive, time-consuming, and physically unnecessary to move things you won’t be using. If you don’t use it now, you most likely won’t use it later.
  • Dispose of broken tools, old toys, old clothing and other items that you no longer need before you move. Give usable items to charity or hold a garage sale.
  • Choose an experienced moving firm with an established reputation for good service and reliability. Choosing someone that is unreliable or inexperienced will waste more time and money than you can imagine.
  • Get boxes in assorted sizes. Be sure they’re clean, in good condition and have covers so they can be closed and sealed with tape. Start collecting them from your local merchants, or purchase them from your moving company. Liquor boxes are excellent. They are sturdy and contain dividers making them ideal for packing glasses, goblets, vases, etc. Make sure these boxes have lids. By the way, an easy way to store boxes so they do not take up storage space is to open both ends and flatten them out. Cartons can be resealed with tape as you use them.
  • Use the ABC system – everything you pack does not have to be unpacked the first day in your new surroundings. If it contains essential items, mark it “priority A”. If the contents are important, but not crucial, mark the box “B”. If the box contains out of season items, holiday items and other things you won’t need right away, mark the box “C”. Then unpack in A,B,C order.
  • Felt pens are ideal for marking boxes with information such as its contents, destination room, fragile or this side up.
  • Cartons can be handled easier if they do not exceed 50 lbs. fully packed. Keep this in mind when you’re packing.
  • You will need plenty of wrapping paper and heavy-duty tape. Anything wrapped in newsprint will most likely be soiled from the ink and will require cleaning after unpacking. Movers use the same paper without the print. For items you prefer to keep clean, you can purchase this packing paper from your mover. Kraft paper, tissue paper and shock-resistant corrugated paper make excellent wrapping materials and may be purchased at most major department stores, craft stores or your mover. These papers also make excellent cushioning and lining material.
  • As you’re packing, place removable, coloured, circle stickers on your boxes to easily distinguish which room the items in the box belong in. Use a different colour for each room. If necessary, make a master list so you’ll know what is in each box. If you can go to your new space ahead of time, you may wish to stick a corresponding coloured sticker on the door, or doorframe, of the room that the box will be delivered to.
  • Pack on a room-by-room basis, keeping the contents of each room in separate boxes. This will eliminate confusion and save time when you’re unpacking.
  • Even if you only pack two boxes a day, in 30 days you will have packed sixty boxes. Start in areas where the goods are not in frequent use such as the cellar, attic, garage, etc.
  • Order address labels before you move. They will be great to have on hand when you need to indicate a change of address on anything. Leave a few behind with the people who move into your space so they can forward anything that gets delivered to them for you. Give them a few bucks to cover any postage costs.
  • Make a survival kit for your first day in your new space. This should include items that will get you through if it’s too late to unpack or the movers didn’t show up. Helpful items to include might be: non-perishable food, can opener, paper plates, plastic utensils, bottled water, a flashlight, a few towels, toiletries, toilet paper, pen/paper, a few small games or magazines, etc.
  • If you have children, especially young children, it might be a good idea to have someone baby-sit them while you are doing anything that involved your move, such as packing, unpacking, etc. Your kids won’t be interrupting your progress and you’ll accomplish more.
  • Set up one room quickly as possible. This way, you’ll have a quiet retreat, free of boxes. Everybody will then have a place to go when you need a break from all of the unpacking activities.
  • If you have pets, be sure you have a plan for when the movers arrive. Perhaps keep you cats in the bathroom with the litter box, or put your dogs in a fenced in yard. Also, take care to do what you can so your pets feel comfortable in your new space. Bring their favourite toys, give them attention, and don’t leave them alone for long periods of time for the first few days.
  • Make the first night as special as possible. It can be take-out Chinese food, or pizza, but you may sweeten the evening with flowers, candles, music and wine. It will really make a big difference and will help you to unwind and de-stress.
  • Once you arrive at your new home, schedule some get acquainted days on your calendar. This is a great time to figure out where the supermarket, bank, post office, etc. are and will give you a chance to get familiar with your area. If there is a tourist bureau in town, stop by and see what events and opportunities your town will be offering.
  • I wish you a happy moving experience ….